Monday, April 30, 2007

Booklist: The Original Series (Unnumbered)

  • Enterprise: The First Adventure • Vonda N. McIntyre
  • Strangers From the Sky • Margaret Wander Bonanno
  • Final Frontier • Diane Carey
  • Spock's World • Diane Duane
  • The Lost Years • J.M. Dillard
  • Prime Directive • Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens
  • Probe • Margaret Wander Bonanno
  • Best Destiny • Diane Carey
  • Shadows on the Sun • Michael Jan Friedman
  • Sarek • A.C. Crispin
  • Federation • Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens
  • Vulcan's Forge • Josepha Sherman & Susan Shwartz
  • Mission to Horatius • Mack Reynolds
  • Vulcan's Heart • Josepha Sherman & Susan Shwartz
  • The Eugenics Wars: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Book One • Greg Cox
  • The Eugenics Wars: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Book Two • Greg Cox
  • The Last Roundup • Christie Golden
  • Gemini • Mike W. Barr
  • Garth of Izar • Pamela Sargent & George Zebrowski
  • Worlds in Collision • Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens
  • The Case of the Colonist's Corpse: A Samuel Cogley Mystery • Tony Isabella and Bob Ingersoll
  • Vulcan's Soul #1: Exodus • Josepha Sherman & Susan Shwartz
  • Sand and Stars • Diane Duane and A.C. Crispin
  • To Reign in Hell: The Exile of Khan Noonien Singh • Greg Cox
  • Ex Machina • Christopher L. Bennett
  • Errand of Fury Book One: Seeds of Rage • Kevin Ryan
  • Errand of Fury Book Two: Demands of Honor • Kevin Ryan
* Complete Star Trek book listing started (categorized)
** Books in my library linked to their counterparts

(Star Trek: The Next Generation, No. 17) Boogeymen

Title: "Boogeymen"
Date Published: 1991
Author/s: Mel Gilden
Main Plot:
The Enterprise is sent out to escort Eric Baldwin, a renowned exologist and good friend of Captain Picard's, back to Memory Alpha for a debriefing. His latest discoveries could possibly change the future of interstellar travel. Or they could destroy the Enterprise.

My Short Review:
It's stories like these that make me want to use a different operating system for my personal computer. Here, the Enterprise's main computer gets infected by an alien virus. It amazes me how easy it is for alien entities, or their software, to read and manipulate a Federation Starship's computer code. Ok, ok, I'll just let it slide as a writing tool.

One of the key characters in this book is acting-Ensign Wesley Crusher, another favorite writing tool of Star Trek authors. Somehow, he ends up compounding the ship's problems by trying to solve one of his own. He's young, prone to make mistakes, and therefore is the one who gets the blame whenever he is involved. Or so I thought when I started reading. He gets through this one quietly and yet admirably.

I found the story quite interesting got a few lessons from this one. Most of the action, answers, revelations, and/or solutions came too near the end though. While they took care of the tons of questions that were compiling in my head, I do not want to wait too long for some excitement in a book.

My Overall Rating:
I'll give this one a passing mark. It didn't hurt to read it.

Friday, April 27, 2007

(Star Trek: New Frontier, No. 2) Into the Void

Title: "Into the Void"
Date Published:
Author/s: Peter David
Main Plot:
The final days of the Thallonian Empire is at hand and the U.S.S. Excalibur is finally ready to launch on her errand of mercy. A First Officer, whose past is intertwined with Captain Calhoun's, joins the crew. A stowaway becomes an unexpected ally as the ship speed towards its destiny, alone, outside Federation Space.

My Short Review:
Wow, Commander Elizabeth Paula Shelby... This has to be the most volatile pairing of a ship's top two commanding officers of all time, and they have a past to boot. Commander Shelby, of "The Best Of Both Worlds" fame, is a by-the-book Starfleet officer that compliments Captain Calhoun's gut-instinct style of command perfectly. Together, they should test Federation regulations, and even the Prime Directive, to their limits. Great setup here.

Si Cwan, a member of the displaced ruling family of Thallon, joins the crew as an expert on the region of space the ship was headed for. Remind you of someone? Right, Neelix. Only this one is royalty, has his own agenda, one that he will obsessively pursue at any cost, even his own life. Calhoun should have his hands full with this one.

The rest of the crew is as colorful as well. Zak Kebron, a Brikar, is Security Chief. He was an old classmate, rival, sparring partner and friend of Worf during their Starfleet Academy days. Burgoyne 172, a Hermat, is Chief Engineer of the Excalibur. Hish dual sexuality makes for interesting interactions with the rest of the crew. Mark McHenry, a Human, is the navigator, also an old classmate of Worf's from the Academy. This guy makes Einstein look like a dinosaur when it comes to brain function. And of course, we shouldn't forget Robin Lefler, and old flame of Wesley Crusher's. Not much character development for her yet, but I expect there will be in the succeeding books.

As the crew settles into what will be their home for the next few years, they receive a distress signal. Captain Calhoun dispatches a shuttle to investigate as the Excalibur speeds on to their primary objective...

Yes, this book leaves us with a cliff hanger. I thought my review should reflect that as well. As a matter of fact, I'm beginning to like the way Peter David is writing this. While I like seeing how goals are met, problems are solved and objectives reached, I also expected a story arch to this series. This is one series that should have hit the television screens.

My Overall Rating:

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Book Hunting

I acquired 4 more Star Trek books today. I browsed the 2nd-hand bookshops in my area and bought the following titles to add to my Star Trek Bookshelf:

1. (Star Trek: The Original Series, No. 26) Time For Yesterday
2. (Star Trek: The Next Generation, No. 45) Intellivore
3. (Star Trek: The Next Generation) Imzadi II: Triangle
4. (Star Trek: Voyager, No. 10) Bless the Beasts

Total Price: PhP190.00

I have a secondary mission now: Acquire every Star Trek book ever published.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

(Star Trek: New Frontier, No. 1) House of Cards

Title: "House of Cards"
Date Published: 1997
Author/s: Peter David
Main Plot:
Sector 221-G, what used to be the Thallonian Empire is now a chaotic region on the fringes of Federation Space. Starfleet sends in Captain Mackenzie Calhoun and the crew of the U.S.S. Excalibur to help where they can and represent the Federation to the unstable governments of worlds on the brink of self-annihilation.

My Short Review:
The book starts the series off by introducing key members of what will soon be the crew of the U.S.S. Excalibur, namely Mackenzie Calhoun, Selar and Soleta. I appreciate this especially because the crew of the Excalibur is anything but ordinary. As Starfleet was still rebuilding from the destruction left by the Dominion War, the crew was put together without consideration for group dynamics. But that's what make a good story, doesn't it? Anyway, here are my thoughts on the crew members featured in this one.

The young Mackenzie Calhoun reminds me of James T. Kirk and his charisma, only this time he would have some Klingon blood and their ferocity. Leading the Xenexian revolt against the occupation by Danteri off-worlders, he was obeyed without question by his followers. If he asked them to cut their own heads off, they would have. That kind of charisma is hard to find. Peter David does well here to make me feel it for myself.

Nothing can feel worse than the loss of a loved one, more so if your a Vulcan on the throes of Pon farr. Selar, an experienced physician on the U.S.S. Enterprise-E, goes home to Vulcan to fulfill a promise, only to lose the person dearest to her in the most devastating way. Her "logic" directs her to take a position on the U.S.S. Excalibur, the ship that will take her farthest away from all that reminds her of that loss. I grieved with her while reading her story. Do Vulcans grieve? I guess I'll find out in the next books of the series.

Another Vulcan destined to join the crew of the Excalibur, Selar's story starts off on the Thallonian homeworld. On a personal mission to satisfy her curiosity, a trait unusual to Vulcans, Selar encounters someone oddly familiar. A meeting that would lead to her eventual assignment to the Excalibur. I sense some deep dark secrets to this one.

At the time I finished reading this one, I wasn't sure what to be excited about. Will it be the new aliens the Excalibur will encounter in this new sector of space or how the crew will deal with each other? I guess I'll find out. This booked got me, hook, line and sinker.

My Overall Rating:
Since this is the first time I will be rating a book, here's how I will do it. I will rate books I like and therefore recommend with pips, from one pip (Ensign) to 4 pips (Captain). Books I did not enjoy much I will still review but will remain without pips or an overall rating. It might even contain a nitpicking section.

This one I award 3 pips (Commander)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Captain's Log, Stardate 70424.0138, The Star Trek Bookshelf Review Blog Launched

Today, I vow to write a short review for every Star Trek book I will and have read. That it never occurred to me that I should have now intimidates me because I have read quite a few already. But, I'll catch up. I look forward to rereading those that I don't recall completely and will most probably enjoy them again. I'll get there, one book at a time.

The current book I'm reading is "Star Trek: The Next Generation, No. 17, Boogeymen". I will post my review of it soon, less the spoilers if I can avoid them.

Live long and prosper.